Alterations & Tailoring Services
in Raleigh/Cary/Apex/Holly Springs & Chapel Hill
Whether it’s a brand new or existing garment that doesn’t fit exactly right or you need to repair your favorite pair of pants, trust our expert tailors to alter or repair your garments quickly and professionally. We have three on site tailors at our Cameron Village, Wakefield Commons Stores or the Apex Office at 2002 Production Drive (919-372-5070), that offer the following services:
- Hemming (pants, dresses, skirts etc…)
- Shortening Sleeves
- Repairs
- Suits
- Wedding/Debutant Gowns
- Zippers
- Waists In/Out
- Linings
- Bridesmad/Formal Dresses
- Buttons
- Restyling
- Resizing
How To Get Started
- If you can tell us what you need, just drop your garment off at any store with your instructions. Also, lets us know whether you want it cleaned as well.
- If you need to be fitted, walk-ins are always welcome at our Wakefield Commons, Cameron Village, Stores or the Apex Office at 2002 Production Drive (919-372-5070). The tailor hours are 10:00a – 2:00p Monday – Friday. If you would like to make an appointment, please see below or click here!
Book Your Alterations Appointment Online
To make a tailoring appointment please call the number for your area below:
Raleigh & Wake Forest: 919.828.7254
Apex, Cary, Holly Springs, Chapel Hill: 919.928.5813
To remove lipstick from dark fabrics, grab a piece of white bread and remove the crust. You don't have to forgo a sandwich; you can use the heel of the loaf -- no one likes that piece anyway. Wad up the soft center and rub it gently on the stain until it picks up all of the lipstick. Sweep away any leftover crumbs with a clean, soft-bristled brush.
Whether it's on work shirts or Sunday best, staining around the collar can be easily vanquished with a touch of something you're pretty much guaranteed to have in the house -- shampoo. Just pour a little shampoo -- any shampoo will do, even the inexpensive, generic kind -- onto the collar, rub the collar together to work the shampoo in well, and rinse thoroughly. Then launder as usual.
Before you put those summer clothes into storage make sure you get them cleaned. Especially any item that has a stain. Stains will attract insects and they will cause damage to the clothing.
Mistakes we can make Mistake 1: Rubbing stains furiously; This can make the stain worse and possibly wear away the fabric. Instead, be gentle and methodical. Treat the stain as soon as you can; the less time that elapses, the more success you'll have. And always use a white cloth so that colors can't transfer. Dab, rather than rub, working from the outside in to keep the stain contained.
Want to dry your shoes and don’t have a shoe drying rack for your Dryer? Tie your shoe laces together so the knot is at the end. Then close the laces in the door with the knot on the outside and shoes hanging in the dryer....no more loud noises.
Wash in Cold Water: When you switch from using hot or warm water to using cold water, you reduce the energy needed for heating the water. ENERGY STAR estimates that almost 90 percent of the energy used when washing clothes goes to heating water.
Removing paint from children's clothes:- Most paints children end up playing with are water soluble and will easily come out in regular washing. The acrylics and other types of paints are better left to professional cleaners who can get the garments clean and flush out all of the stain removal chemicals used to achieve that end. Any residual stain removal chemicals can harm your child’s skin, so it’s best to leave that kind of work to the pros - us.
Salad Oil Stain? This is the worst because it can yellow with age if not removed. Cover a big spill at the table with absorbent powder. Shake off after supper. Apply a mild detergent mixed with household ammonia, ASAP. Wait 5-10 minutes and wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric.
Forgot that you left wet laundry in the machine and it now smells moldy? Pour a few cups of white distilled vinegar in the machine and wash the clothes in hot water. Then run a normal cycle with detergent.
Red Wine stain? Lightly touch with an absorbent towel to draw up the liquid or put paper towels under the spill. Blotting can spread the stain. After dinner: rinse in cool water; treat with a mild detergent and white vinegar. remember to dab the stain, never rub as this could cause damage to fibres and color loss.