Dry Cleaning
Dry Cleaning Services
in Raleigh/Cary/Apex/Holly Springs & Chapel Hill
Dry cleaning technology has advanced quite a bit since we first opened our doors in 1948 and we have consistently stayed on the leading edge; not only from a cleaning performance perspective but from an environmentally conscious perspective as well.
For our dry cleaning we have chosen Greenearth, the most environmentally friendly dry cleaning technology in our industry. Greenearth is based on the same silicone design which allows for the even distribution of cosmetics and lotions you use on your body daily. What makes it so effective is its ability to easily penetrate and lift dirt out of garment’s fibers and it is gentle enough to safely clean even those embellished garments. It is chemically inert, which means that no chemicals mix with your clothes while being cleaned. When it reaches its useful life, it degrades into sand, water and carbon dioxide. That’s it! It leaves your clothes clean, color rich, soft to the touch and has zero odor.
Each garment entrusted to our care is treated individually by our trained staff and follows a multi step process:
- We first look for any stains and pre treat them prior to cleaning.
- We then identify the best method of cleaning your garment. It could be dry cleaning, wet cleaning or laundry.
- After cleaning, we professionally hand press your garment.
- Then off to inspection where we make sure that your garment is ready to wear when you are ready to wear it.
If you have a garment (s) that needs to be altered, you can just bring it to any of our locations or call ahead and make an appointment with one of our seamstresses. You will find that each garment will be handled quickly, professionally and, of course, to your satisfaction!