Dry Cleaning Specials
My MedlinDavis
My MedlinDavis is a rewards club for all of our loyal customers. All you need to do to join the club is to provide us with your e-mail address. Once that is done, you will receive $10.00 off on every $400 you spend with us. If you are a monthly account customer you will see the $10.00 credit automatically added to your statement. If you are pay as you go, you will receive a $10.00 coupon at the store that you can use on your next visit. You can always ask for a status update at each store visit or go to our customer connect feature for the latest update.
30% Off Thursday
Our 30% Off Thursday special is designed to reward our loyal customers with discounts on their favorite garments each month. To take advantage of it, simply ask for Thursday cleaning and receive 30% Off on the selected garment that month. You can bring your garment in any day of the week and pick it up any day of the week, but just ask for Thursday cleaning to get the discount.